The OQSL thrives thanks to the dedication of its executive committee members, captains, and members, all of whom play vital roles in the league’s operations.
- Executive Committee Members earn their positions through election or appointment by members of the league.
- Captains, who volunteer and are appointed by the Executive Committee Members, oversee teams of players within the league.
- Members include individuals, captains, and any other member in good standing within the league.
You can find a full description of duties here.
The Commissioner serves as the Chairperson of the Executive Committee and oversees the league’s operations and regulatory decisions.
Position vacant.
The Treasurer ensures the League’s financial stability through ethical management of the operational budget.
Position held by Taylor Griffin (He/Him).
The Secretary maintains all official league documents, ensuring transparency, and overseeing proposals, issues, and decisions across all committees.
Position held by Paul Shepherd (He/Him).
The Director of Operations manages all logistical aspects related to game play.
Position held by Sean Addis (He/Him).
The Events and Promotions Coordinator maintains the league’s public image and promoting endorsed events.
Position held by Bryan McSorley (He/Him).