The OQSL thrives thanks to the dedication of its executive committee members, captains, and members, all of whom play vital roles in the league’s operations.

  • Executive Committee Members earn their positions through election or appointment by members of the league.
  • Captains, who volunteer and are appointed by the Executive Committee Members, oversee teams of players within the league.
  • Members include individuals, captains, and any other member in good standing within the league.

You can find a full description of duties here.

The Commissioner serves as the Chairperson of the Executive Committee and oversees the league’s operations and regulatory decisions.
Position held by Chantelle Northwood (She/Her).

The Treasurer ensures the League’s financial stability through ethical management of the operational budget.
Position held by Taylor Griffin (He/Him).

The Secretary maintains all official league documents, ensuring transparency, and overseeing proposals, issues, and decisions across all committees.
Position held by Paul Shepherd (He/Him).

The Director of Operations manages all logistical aspects related to game play.
Position held by Sean Addis (He/Him).

The Events and Promotions Coordinator maintains the league’s public image and promoting endorsed events.
Position held by Bryan McSorley (He/Him).